Welcome to the DBIA Southwest Region! We are thrilled to have Broadmoor, LLC as our newest Industry Partner and to welcome these 15 new members who joined us in January!
Hayley Blaser, PE, PMP - Matrix Design Group
Bobby Byrd, CSI CDT, DBIA - Flintco, LLC
Blake Christian, DBIA - Structure Tone Southwest
Michael Fisher
Diana Gonzalez - Structure Tone Southwest
Rebekah Hansen - Performance Services, Inc.
David Kimball, DBIA - Flintco, LLC
Randall Kinnaman - Quad Construction
Wyatt McCart, EIT - TRC Companies, Inc.
Ryan Mouledous - Broadmoor, LLC
Bryan Oldenkamp - Parkway Construction & Architecture
Michael Paul, PE - TRC Companies, Inc.
Zakary Payne, PE - Matrix Design Group
Matthew Stovall - Composite Design + Build
Louis Wyler, LEED AP - Bergelectric Corporation
If you want to learn more about how to get the most out of your DBIA Southwest Region membership or how to get involved, don't miss our New Member Coffee on Zoom on March 1.