If you are interested in serving on the DBIA Board of Directors in 2024 or another Leadership Position, please fill out the nomination form below.
February 29 - Nominations Close
March 19 - Current Board Votes on Slate
April 2 - Slate published to members
May 2 - Members Vote on Slate at the SW Regional Conference
Each position listed below is a part of the DBIA-SW Regional Board of Directors and will hold this position for 2 years.
Open Board Chair Positions
Owners Chair Roles & Responsibilities:
Sits on the Board and is a part of the Programs Committee
Organizes forums (with the help of the Programs Committee) where owners can meet with other owners to share design-build experiences and best practices.
Assists in the creation of owner-specific content on the use of design-build for outreach presentations
Encourages owner membership in DBIA.
Helps suggest owner-specific programs and activities for the regional conference.
Legislative Chair Roles & Responsibilities:
Sits on the Board.
Works with the legal chair to identify legal and legislative task force members.
Helps organize efforts to introduce legislation within the region that encourages design-build use.
Actively monitors new legislation within the region that may limit or erode design-build use and organizes efforts to oppose this legislation.
Acts as a liaison with owner and industry groups to inform them of design-build legislation within their state and local governments and garner support for such legislation.
Advocates for design-build legislation.
Organizes Task Forces for legislative efforts when appropriate.
Outreach Chair Roles & Responsibilities:
Sits on the Board and the Outreach Committee.
Is in charge of the Outreach Committee along with the Membership Chair.
Establishes a library of presentations that local chapters and the region can utilize.
Assists in Premier Partner Fundraising and Outreach: Identifies potential Partners and helps sell annual Premier Partner benefits.
Assists in marketing DBIA at other regional conferences.
Transportation/Aviation Chair Roles & Responsibilities:
Tracks issues pertaining to the transportation and aviation industries and reports to the Legal and Legislative Chairs.
Helps to suggest programs and speakers for the Programs Committee, Conference Planning Committee, and any chapter events from the Transportation and Aviation Sectors.
Keeps staff and the board abreast of any transportation or aviation industry events occurring in the region.
Suggests other transportation- or aviation-centric companies to become members or industry partners of DBIA with the Membership Chair.
Assists the Legal and Legislative Chairs in efforts pertaining to legislation in design-build in their industry.
Sits on the Board of Directors, the Programs Committee, and the Conference Planning Committee.
Federal Chair Roles & Responsibilities:
Tracks issues pertaining to the federal sector and reports to the legal and legislative chairs.
Helps to suggest programs and speakers for the Programs Committee, Conference Planning Committee, and any chapter events from the federal sector.
Assists the Legal and Legislative Chairs in efforts pertaining to legislation in design-build in their industry.
Sits on the Board of Directors, the Programs Committee, and the Conference Planning Committee.
Programs Chair Roles & Responsibilities:
Sits on the Board and leads the Programs Committee.
Helps establish the Programs Committee, the members of the committee, and its work.
Comes up with the curriculum for five different events chapters can produce that feature a variety of topics for different members, speaker suggestions, and agenda outlines.
Polls Board and Membership about their educational preferences.
DEI Chair Roles & Responsibilities:
Sits on the Board and is a part of the Programs Committee and Conference Planning Committee (if applicable).
Develops processes that drive diversity in Region leadership.
Assists the conference planning committee in bringing in diverse panels.
Creates strategic alliances with industry organizations that can assist in expanding our reach (i.e., COMTO, WTS, NAMC, etc.)
Enhances the member value for MWDBE firms, including MWDBE-specific education, additional discounts for events, etc.
Conducts outreach to historically black universities and colleges (HBCUs) with AEC-related programs in conjunction with the University Chair.
General Board Member Roles & Responsibilities:
Part of the governing body of the Region.
Reviews and approves the Region's strategic plan, annual region and chapter budgets, and bylaw changes.
Monitors the general scope and progress of the region’s activities.
Open Chapter Chair Positions (also a board position)
Roles & Responsibilities:
Sits on the board of directors and their chapter's steering committee
Acts as the primary liaison between the regional leadership and the DBIA members in their chapter.
Develops a strategic plan for their chapter to develop further and promote design-build and membership in DBIA.
Develops a steering committee to help organize and execute activities within their chapter. Identifies a vice chair, programs chair, and membership chair for the chapter and organizes regularly scheduled meetings of this committee.
Assists and supports regional committee activities that occur in their chapter area.
Helps to plan at least two events each year for members of their chapter in conjunction with the steering committee
The following Chapters are seeking new chairs:
Albuquerque Chapter
Arkansas Chapter
New Orleans & Baton Rouge Chapter
Tulsa Chapter
Thank you for your interest! The 2024 Nomination Application is now closed.
Rachel Albright